Books & Articles
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Parallel Journeys: A Spirited Approach to Coping and Living With Cancer, with Ric Masten, (2003, Paperback, SunInk Presentations, California, ISBN:
In Parallel Journeys, Psychologist/Cancer Survivor Dr. Larry Lachman, and the late Carmel Poet/Philosopher Ric Masten, use the poet's prose and the psychologist's analyses to provided a creative, inspiring, left brain/right brain, spirited approach to helping people and their families cope with cancer.
Available now from:
Dogs on the Couch: Behavior Therapy for Training and Caring for Your Dog
(Hardback: 1999, Paperback: 2002, Overlook Press, New York, ISBN: 1-58567-250-5)
In Dogs On The Couch, Dr. Larry Lachman uses the tools of Family Systems Therapy and Behavior Therapy to analyze and treat a variety of problems that have eluded owners using traditional dog training methods.
Available now at:
Cats on the Counter: Therapy and Training for Your Cat
(Hardback: 2000, Paperback: 2001, St. Martin's Press, New York, ISBN: 0-312-28893-X)
In Cats on the Counter, Dr. Larry Lachman uses the tools of Family Systems Therapy and Behavior Therapy to analyze and treat a variety of challenging cat behavior problems such as not using the litter box, destructive clawing and fighting with other cats.
Available now at: and
Birds off the Perch: Therapy and Training for Your Pet Bird
(2003, Paperback, Simon & Schuster, Fireside Books, New York, ISBN: 0-7432-2704-2).
In Birds off the Perch, Psychologist/Animal Behavior Consultant Dr. Larry Lachman, Companion Bird Consultant Diane Grindol and Veterinarian Dr. Frank Kocher, use Family Systems/Behavior Therapy, along with Veterinary Care and Trick Training, to help companion bird owners successfully address common behavioral and medical problems as well as matching the right species of bird with the right person.
Available now at:, and