Dr. Lachman's Media Appearances
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Dog Behavior Audio - May 24, 2000, Dr. Larry Lachman is interviewed in depth on dog and cat behavior training, along with child-dog safety, child-phobic dogs, separation anxiety, fear and dominance aggression and housebreaking,
with host and psychologist, Dr. Joel Ehrlich, on the 'Dr. Joel Live' radio show, in Ft. Collins, Colorado.
Dog Behavior Audio - May 13, 1992, Dr. Larry Lachman is interviewed on non-violent animal behavior training with host Tina Arana, on 'Vital Signs' at 88.5 FM, KUCI-Radio,
University of California at Irvine.
Dog Behavior Audio - March 1999, Bakersfield, CA – Dr. Larry Lachman is interviewed on pet behavior & He answers calls from around the cfountry on Pet Talk America Radio, Hosted by Bob Vella: Parts I and II.
Part 1
Part 2
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Dog Behavior Video - Dr. Larry Demonstrates Non-Force Methods In Getting Your Dog to Sit, Lay Down and Stay on Ventura Public Television.
Dog Behavior Video - Dr. Larry Demonstrates Child / Dog Safety Prevention for a Pet Home Expecting a Newborn on PBS.
Dog Behavior Video - Dr. Larry Lachman and Orange County Register Columnist Frank Mickadeit, are interviewed on the Orange County News Channel.
Dog Behavior Video - April 1992, Larry Lachman and Kimberly Akamine, LMFT, are interviewed on the KSBR-TV Focus Orange County Show, Hosted by Tina Arana, discussing Non-Violent Pet Behavior Training, How to Pick The Right Dog and Helping Children Cope with Pet Loss. Larry's dog Fagan is used for the demonstration.
November 2002 - Dr. Larry's Appearance on Fox & Friends, The Fox News Channel, New York.
March 15, 1999 - Television interview on WGN-TV 9 Morning News with host Roseanne Tellez on dog behavior training and taking live viewer calls.
March 20, 1999 - Fox News Channel, New York City, New York, discussing dog behavior training with host, Denise Richardson.
February 24th, 1997 - Larry Lachman, Animal Behavior Consultant, is interviewed by Dave Gonzalez and Jane Velez-Mitchell, on KCAL-CH 9 TV Afternoon News, in Los Angeles.